Trust Yourself And Your Intuition
Intuition is defined as "the immediate apprehension of an object by the mind without the intervention of any reasoning process” - The Oxford English Dictionary
Isaac Asimov said, “Intuition is the art, peculiar to the human mind, of working out the correct answer from data that is, in itself, incomplete or even, perhaps, misleading.”
So my question is… how is your relationship with this aspect of yourself? Can you find your own way through a situation with what seems to be incomplete data? Are you able to balance the left and right sides of your nature: instinct and logic, in order to create maximum persuasion?
We all have experienced gut feelings, mostly in the form of danger. Recognizing that you're in the wrong place at the wrong time before trouble shows up is an unpleasant reminder of our intuitive natures. Or maybe you’ve experienced it in a romantic situation, indicated by “butterflies”. We’ve all heard stories of a man or woman meeting their twin flame for the first time and thinking to themselves, ‘This is the person I’m meant to be with. I can feel it.’
The thing is, our inner wisdom / intuition is a muscle that can be strengthened. It is an aspect of emotional intelligence and through study, attention and patience, can be grown and used to further aid your persuasive skills.
Hunches, gut feelings and intuition are entirely acceptable to apply in business matters, as well as, life in general. Following these are signs that God is flawlessly guiding our lives as we’ve requested.
I remember being younger and wondering if my inner wisdom would ever be as strong as my Mother's. She just knew stuff, you know? I admired that about her among SO many things, and I wanted it for myself… I've always wanted to be like her. So I grew up, and I learned over time that our intuition is always communicating; we just have to be present enough to hear it, and what some people don't know is that the feeling of discerning what our intuition is communicating is difficult to teach. There has to be an allowing and a receptivity that creates space for this level of communication with God and higher self. I stumbled upon the ability to sharpen my inner wisdom as I began to become more consistent in my spiritual practices.
So what brought me to this desire to delve into my spiritual practices? I experienced the most difficult time of my entire existence between the years of 2016 and 2019. It all began when my Father lost his battle with lung cancer after it metastasized to his brain. What's worse? He passed away just 1 month after my now-husband had proposed to me. So there I was, "Daddy's little Girl" who had this long-awaited desire to experience my Daddy walking me down the aisle, and the realization that the dream would never become a reality. Then, it happened literally right before becoming my reality. I remember telling my husband, “I don't know if I’ll survive losing Daddy.” For the first time in my life I would never be able to say “this too, shall pass”. I knew that grief would stick with me.
Fast forward to the following year, my husband and I conceived our first baby, and experienced a devastating miscarriage 7.5 weeks later. And there I was again, "I don't know if I'm going to make it." My health began to fail, as I started experiencing numbness in my extremities and was ultimately diagnosed with neuropathy, yet none of the specialists could determine the cause. I went on to experience the loss of my 13-year career through a restructuring (layoff). Then, my Grandmother, my last-surviving Grandparent died and my Uncle, with whom my husband and I had developed a closeness, passed away suddenly just 6 months after Grandma. And while all of that was happening, my husband and I lost 3 more pregnancies to miscarriage, so a total of 4 in 4 years. Whew... it was ROUGH!
Now, more spiritual than religious as I lean into and explore this remembrance of the practices of my ancestors, but I grew up religious and attended church regularly, and during that difficult time I held onto it with everything in me. However, I always had this feeling that I was waiting for God to save me. I'll get into what I've termed this "save me" syndrome at a later date, but it was life for me at the time. I felt helpless, I felt hopeless, I felt alone because despite all of the amazing people in my life, still supporting me such as my husband, mom, brother, sister-friends, cousins, co-workers, etc., none of them were experiencing what I was going through. I also somehow knew there was more that I could do to heal myself and not wait to be saved (prayer without works, right?), but I just needed guidance from a more tangible source. Regardless of what was real or true, I knew that no matter what, I couldn't stay where I was - that was for SURE! I needed transformation - mind, body, and spirit, and then, I was introduced to a Queen who guided me to reclaim my power and recognize the ability that I had within to transform my life.
And in an instant — everything changed!
I began to pray differently, I began to meditate daily - not just occasionally, I connected to and sought guidance from my ancestors, I grounded and centered myself in the Earth / in nature, I nourished myself through plant-based foods, and I sought out reiki because the trauma from my experiences was trapped in my body and I knew I needed to release it in order to heal. As I began to vibrate at a higher frequency, it allowed me to become more sensitive to my inner wisdom - which opened the pathway to healing. This also assured me that I was Divinely guided and supported.
I'm not talking about just going through the motions. I'm talking about the steady, fortification and honing of the relationship with God, with thyself, to others and our desires, that only blooms through connection. When we just know, we act accordingly... like Mama did. That means praying and meditating on our heart's desires and taking heed to the promptings about which actions to take. Taking aligned action to achieve what we know rightfully belongs to us as if we already have it. Then, allowing God / Spirit to do the rest. When I began to see my desires manifest repeatedly by taking these steps, I realized it was no secret at all. And what I love most about it, is I can access this energy at any time by consistently taking the aforementioned actions... rinse and repeat!
Be careful, Sis, not to assume this is only about getting what you want. God isn't a genie in a bottle to be called on to grant wishes, and I still believe everyone has a destiny and a calling upon their life. Not everything works out the way we plan, but there's a beauty that comes from the fortification of relationships and usually, you find that the journey itself was more gratifying than you ever thought possible because you maintained a focus on the relationships and not the end goal. I told you Sis… this one's personal.
Think back to times when you had these feelings and didn’t heed the warning, or on the positive side of things… had a desire, but didn't heed the promptings. What unpleasantness could you have avoided if you had heeded the warning(s)? What positive desires do you believe you could have manifested if you took aligned action? By checking in, centering, and gaining clarity, our life is enhanced immeasurably in all aspects.
My personal experience, my skill sets, my education, my inner wisdom... THIS is what qualifies me to guide other women to reclaim their own personal power and heal themselves. THIS is what I have been called to do. THIS is what I love to do.
If you are struggling to heal your trauma, move beyond your grief, or connect with your inner wisdom, I urge you to join us for Wounds to Wisdom. It’s my 9-week collective healing journey that is designed to guide you in Aligning with Your Inner Wisdom to Heal from the Emotional Trauma of Pregnancy Loss. Click this
link to schedule a Tea Talk connection call to learn more!
Until next time... be well, Beloved.